Notice no: 02B/2023-24 | Class: (Nursery & K.G)
Dear Parents/ Guardians
We welcome you all to TIGPS, Mankundu family for the new session 2023-24.
Kindly follow the points given below ─
- All the students have to wear mask and carry hand sanitizer to maintain the hygiene.
- Please send three stamp size recent photographs in school uniform of your ward positively by 28thApril 2023.The photographs should be sent through your ward in a sealed envelope with name class written on top. Photograph in which students are without school uniform will not be accepted.
- All the books and copies should be covered and labelled properly.
- Bags, water bottles, tiffin box, winter garments andpencil box should be labeled. [Pencil box is not applicable for Nursery students.]
- Kindly send a big handkerchief to be used during the tiffin time to inculcate the table manners. Small white handkerchief should be pinned up on the left side of the shirt/frock.
6.No use of nail polish, fancy ear rings, mehendi, fancy bangles and bindi.
- Students should come to school in neat and clean uniform with school badge and I.D. Card. An extra set of dress (either school uniform or colour dress) and mask should be sent with your child for any emergency situation. Check and trim your wards nails regularly so that others do not get injured.
- Water bottles with straps should be used instead of pet bottles and should be labelled.
- Don’t send any junk food like chips, kurkure etc.
- Girls should use black hair band/simple black hairpins for short hair.For long hair they should tie two pony tails with black rubber bands.No fancy hair pins should be used.
- Parents / Guardians /Pool car drivers are kindly requested to show the second I – card of the students at the time of dispersal to maintain the safety and security of the student.
- On birthdays you may send only chocolates/toffees. Do not send any other items( cakes, Biscuits etc.).On birthdays students can come in coloured dress.
- All the books and copies will be collected by the class teacher every Monday and will be returned back every Friday.
- In case of absenteeism please make sure to fill in the leave record format given in the diary. Absence from school without prior permission other than medical grounds will not be accepted. Absence due to illness for more than three days should be supported with medical documents.
- Change of phone numbers should be informed in the school office.
- Please strictly adhere to the school arrival timing i.e student should enter the school campus positively by 8:40 a.m.
- Regular school timing for classes Nursery & K.G (To be followed from 5thApril 2023onwards)
Nursery – 8:30 a.m- 12:20 p.m.
K.G. – 8:30 a.m- 12:25 p.m.
- A prior appointment through the diary is a must to meet Principal Madam,Co-ordinatorand the class teachers. The time will be given accordingly.
- Different activities will be conducted for the students for enhancing their overall development. Activity notice will be given time to time.
- Percentage of attendance will be considered at the time of promotion of the students.
21.Parents can meet the school counsellor and special educator related to the counselling need of the student by taking prior appointment through the school diary addressing the level coordinator.
Hope you will go through this notice carefully and being a member of T.I.G.P.S Mankundu follow the rules strictly for the benefit of the students and overall growth and development of the school.
Hoping for your kind co-operation and support.
Thanking You,